Your Questions Answered
We aim to answer any and all questions you may have about our sport. If you don't see an answer below, we'd be happy to talk to you.
We aim to answer any and all questions you may have about our sport. If you don't see an answer below, we'd be happy to talk to you.
If you’re new to the sport, or unsure about how to get involved, you’ve probably got more than a few questions. This page provides answers to the ones we hear the most. And if you can’t find the information you need here, just contact us to learn more.
Power soccer is a 4 v 4 game of soccer played by persons who use a power wheelchair for their daily mobility. It is played on a regulation size basketball court and consists of two 20 minute periods.
You can find a listing of all the member teams by visiting our Find A Team page. Here you will also find email addresses for all the team contacts. Email the team contact to introduce yourself and let them know you are interested in playing soccer. If there is not a team near by, we would like to talk with you about starting your own team. We will help you with getting a team started.
Power soccer is played in 27 countries throughout the world and well as here in the US. See a full list of participating countries at
We have a minimum age requirement of 5 years of age for competition play. We have players in their 60’s and 70's playing currently. All players regardless of age must be able to safely handle their wheelchair on their own.
To play power soccer you must have a footguard for your chair. Some soccer organizations across the country have equipment you can use if you are part of the team. Check with the local organization. These guards are usually made of polycarbonate and will adjust to most chairs they have traditional footrests. If you choose, you can have a local metal shop design ad fabricate a guard for our chair.
The Power Soccer Shop is a partner with the USPSA and has most equipment you might be looking for to start a new team to upgrading to new equipment.
Current fees to play competitively are $350 per team. Additional travel costs are a factor and depend on the amount of travel. Playing recreationally, we offer a free membership.
As far as equipment costs, most players attend a clinic or a practice and in many cases, a foot guard can be directly attached to their daily chair. In other cases, a loaner wheelchair may be available through the power soccer network for players who have graduated to a sport specific chair. Equipment, like any sport, can be simple or elaborate depending on your interest level, however the sport can be enjoyed at any level.
Power soccer is played by all genders, all ages over the age of 5 for those in a power wheelchair and who do not have the ability to play another adaptive sport. For most power wheelchair users, it is the only competitive teams sports available.
As with any competitive sport, accidents can happen. However, the game is controlled through the referee. The referee ensures the game is enjoyable for all. It is a non-contact sport, but some contact happens on occasion. In general, the rules and the sport are specifically designed for the enjoyment and safety of the participants.
Power soccer is one of the fastest growing sport on four wheels. Currently in the US there are over 100 teams and programs involved in power soccer both competitively as well as recreationally. Currently, there are over 50 competitive teams in the US that compete regularly.
Currently, power soccer or powerchair football known elsewhere, is not a Paralympic sport however, the international federation, FIPFA has be recognized by the IPC.