April 3, 2020

2020 Conference Cup Series & Power Soccer Camp Canceled

Although we have been waiting for a glimmer of hope allowing us to move forward with our national tournament, it unfortunately, has not happened. Given the state of concern today with the Coronavirus, we have no choice but to cancel the tournament in June. We sincerely hope we can be in a position in June to say, "we could have had it". That would mean things are much improved. That is the end goal. That we get back to a more normal and safer world.

I have heard from many of you, that even if the situation were to improve, too many are not willing to take the risk of travel. To say that is wise, would be an understatement.

We wanted to get this information to you for planning purposes. Please allow us some time to work through the details beyond the decision to cancel.

We will also be cancelling the camp this summer in Minnesota for the same reasons as above.

We know how much everyone enjoys both of these events. It pains us to see no other alternative. The health and safety of our entire USPSA community is our paramount concern.

As much as you can, stay engaged with each other and support each other. We will get through this! Better days for Power Soccer and for all sport lie ahead.

Stay safe and stay well.
