In Loving Memory...

Tommy Van Tran

The power soccer community lost a great player and a wonderful person with the passing of Tommy Van Tran, of the San Jose Rockets, on Tuesday, January 8, 2019. He died at the age of 21 due to complications from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Tommy was a college student in San Jose and had played for the Rockets for the past eight years. He made his first trip to the national tournament last year and was named to the all-tournament team, primarily for his ferocious defense.

Off the court, Tommy had a calm and gentle personality. He came to power soccer through his eldest brother, Kenny, who played for the San Jose Steamrollers and passed away three years ago from Duchenne as well.

“I am playing power soccer for myself, but also in honor of my brother,” Tommy said. “What power soccer means to me is that no matter what disability you have, you can play a sport that helps you cope with your disability."

Power soccer was the center of Tommy’s life for the past few years. He dedicated himself to becoming a better player and focused on team-oriented goals like assists and defense.

"Power soccer has allowed me to be content with life and taught me that I can accomplish anything I set my goals for,” Tommy said. The whole Northern California power soccer community will miss Tommy greatly.

The Tran Family has set up a GoFundme Page in his name to help pay for the memorial at:

- Provided by Tommy's coach, Brian Faeh