No Barriers, Just Soccer

The United States Power Soccer Association (USPSA) is the governing body for power soccer, the first competitive team sport for power wheelchair users. Power soccer empowers athletes with diverse disabilities, such as quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, arthrogryposis, and cerebral palsy, to compete independently at all skill levels.

Learn how the sport is played, explore ways to support our mission, or find a team near you.

Inclusive, Competitive, Unforgettable

What Exactly is Power Soccer?

Power soccer has specialized rules and equipment to make the game accessible and exciting. The sport is played on an indoor basketball court with two teams of four players competing in two 20-minute periods. 

Want to learn even more about where power soccer came from?

how the game is played

Power soccer is played in on a standard-sized basketball court. A match consists of two 20-minute periods. Visit our Intro to Power Soccer page for more details.

Goal box

Power soccer goalkeepers also wear differentiating clothing or pennies to signify their role. The goakeeper is the only player on the field who is exempt from the 2-on-1 rule - as long as they remain within their goal box

13" soccer ball

A power soccer ball is 13 inches - which is about double the size of an able-bodied soccer ball. This is mainly done as a safety measurement to prevent it from getting stuck under chairs.

basketball court

Power soccer is played on an indoor basketball court. The smooth, hard surface and controlled environment provide the ideal conditions for ball and chair maneuverability, safety, and consistent gameplay.


Power soccer goalkeepers also wear differentiating clothing or pennies to signify their role. They are  the only player on the field who is exempt from the 2-on-1 rule as long as they remain within their goal box.

Goal post

Instead of nets where wheels can easily get caught in wheels, power soccer uses just the posts - indicating either side of the goal line.


Enrolled power soccer players across the continental US and counting


Active power soccer teams spanning across different team levels and types


Goals scored during the 2023-2024 power soccer season


The ability to play a sport being disabled is rare, it is a gift that should be cherished and I am eternally grateful for the person it shaped me to be.

UPcoming Events

Upcoming Event
March 29, 2025
Face the Force
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Upcoming Event
March 29, 2025
2025 Cullen Connolly Shamrock Smackdown
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Upcoming Event
April 5, 2025
Vermont Chargers Memorial Cup
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Upcoming Event
April 12, 2025
Battle at The Alamo
San Antonio
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Upcoming Event
April 12, 2025
GLASA Chicago Fire Chi-Town Showdown
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Upcoming Event
April 19, 2025
Bay Bash
San Jose
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View Calendar


Conference Teams

Conference Teams represent the highest level of competitiveness, organized into four conferences: Premier, Champions,Presidents, and Founders.  Teams must play a minimum of 12 sanctioned games in the regular season.

Non-Conference Teams

Non-Conference Teams are competitive teams not participating in the conference system. These teams do not have a minimum game requirement for the season; however, those interested in transitioning to conference play the following season must complete at least six sanctioned games..

Recreational Teams

Recreational Teams include groups and programs focused on hosting power soccer activities without the aim of participating in sanctioned competitive games. These teams are a great way to introduce players to the sport as you grow the team in your area.

National Team

United States Power Soccer National Team (USPNT) represents the pinnacle of power soccer in the United States, composed of the nation’s top players selected to compete on the international stage. The USPNT participates in world championships and other international tournaments.

Meet the US Team

Explore Resources

Our Knowledge Base Hub is designed as a comprehensive resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of power soccer. From beginners learning the basics to experienced players seeking advanced strategies, the hub provides a wealth of information to enhance your game.

How do I find a team?

You can find a listing of all the member teams by visiting our Find A Team page. Here you will also find email addresses for all the team contacts. Email the team contact to introduce yourself and let them know you are interested in playing soccer. If there is not a team near by, we would like to talk with you about starting your own team. We will help you with getting a team started.

How old do you need to be to play?

We have a minimum age requirement of 5 years of age for competition play. We have players in their 60’s and 70's playing currently. All players regardless of age must be able to safely handle their wheelchair on their own.

Where can I find equipment?

To play power soccer you must have a footguard for your chair. Some soccer organizations across the country have equipment you can use if you are part of the team. Check with the local organization. These guards are usually made of polycarbonate and will adjust to most chairs they have traditional footrests. If you choose, you can have a local metal shop design ad fabricate a guard for our chair.

The Power Soccer Shop is a partner with the USPSA and has most equipment you might be looking for to start a new team to upgrading to new equipment.

Is it a Paralympic sport?

Currently, power soccer or powerchair football known elsewhere, is not a Paralympic sport however, the international Federation, FIPFA has be recognized by the IPC.